Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bicycle Helmet Holder

Do you have a mess of bike helmets laying around like we do?  I came up with this extremely simple, cheap and effective project to solve the bike helmet issue.  I am sure that this project can also be adapted to work for other organization problems you may have.

Materials needed:

1 dinner fork
1 inch wide webbing (~4-5 helmets/yard of webbing)
2-inch book rings

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Easy No Sew Bean Bags

These bean bags are so easy a kid can make them!  All you need is old stockings or knee highs, kid socks or old tights, dried beans (not split peas or lentils, the edges are too sharp), a funnel and a pair of scissors.  Just combine everything and your done.  My 6 yr old daughter shows you how to make one in the following video.  Enjoy!

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy National Craft Month!

March is officially considered National Craft Month.  There are some sites celebrating National Craft Month with giveaways and contests.  Here is a link to one of the more popular sites for you to visit, Craft Gossip.
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